After renting a property for eight years, a reader has queried whether the deductions made by the landlord on the deposit she paid are legitimate. … [Read more...]
Search Results for: Deposit
What deductions from my rental deposit are legitimate?
After renting a property for eight years, I would like to know whether the deductions made by the landlord on my deposit are legitimate. Having vacated the dwelling, I requested a copy of the bank statement showing my deposit with accrued interest over the period of rental. The landlord gave me a statement drawn up by his accountant, which included several deductions, including the fees of … [Read more...]
Landlord demands deposit on lease after several years
After not paying a deposit in her lease agreement several years ago, a reader wants to know if her landlord can now demand the deposit or have her evicted if she does not pay it. … [Read more...]
Can landlord demand deposit after several years?
Due to my financial position, I was unable to pay the deposit in my lease agreement several years ago and I would like to know if the landlord can now demand the deposit or have me evicted if I do not pay it. Although I was not able to pay the full deposit, the landlord accepted me as a tenant anyway. Now he wants the deposit to be paid and says I am in breach of contract for not having paid … [Read more...]
Recovering deposit unfairly withheld by landlord
A reader who complied fully with her rental agreement during her lease of a property wants to know how she can obtain her deposit, which is being withheld by the landlord. … [Read more...]
How to recover deposit from dodgy landlord?
Having complied fully with my rental agreement during a lease of a property, I would like to know how I can recover the deposit, which is being withheld by the landlord. Having paid the initial deposit, I fulfilled my monthly rental obligations for the full term of the lease. The landlord provided no written lease agreement and no inspection was carried out at the start or end of the … [Read more...]
Can landlord retain deposit if new tenant backs out of lease?
A reader who changed her mind about renting a property after paying the deposit wants to know if the landlord can legally retain the deposit until another tenant is found. … [Read more...]
Landlord keeps deposit after potential tenant cancels lease
I changed my mind about renting a property after paying the deposit and I would like to know if the landlord can legally retain it until another tenant is found. After viewing the property, I and my husband liked what we saw and paid the deposit to secure the lease. However, after my attorney viewed the lease contract, he pointed out a number of issues that caused us to review our decision … [Read more...]
Do I have to refund tenant’s deposit pro rata?
I have a tenant in a granny flat adjacent to the main dwelling on my property who has been retrenched and says he can no longer afford the rental. After his retrenchment, the tenant asked me to release him from the lease and suggested that his deposit be used in lieu of the last month's rental. As my daughter is moving back home and possibly available to take over the flat, I agreed and … [Read more...]
No obligation to refund part of tenant’s deposit
A reader who rents out a granny flat wants to know if he is obliged to refund the tenant part of his deposit after he was retrenched and could no longer afford the rental. … [Read more...]
How does landlord recoup deposit from former agent?
I would like to know what can be done to recoup the deposit from the agent, whose contract I cancelled because he was not doing a satisfactory job with a property I rented out. After failing to conduct inspections, deal with complaints from the tenants and implement annual rental increases, I issued a written warning. When the situation did not improve I terminated the contract. I asked him … [Read more...]
Recovering deposit from ‘missing’ rental agent
A reader who used an agent to handle a property he rents out wants to know how he can recover the deposit after the agent "disappeared". … [Read more...]
What to do if the rental agency withholds deposit?
What can I do if my former rental estate agency refuses to pay back my deposit as well as extra monies paid while renting? Regards, Frustrated Tenant See what the experts have to say. … [Read more...]
How to retrieve your deposit from a rental agency
A reader, who has vacated her rented property, is struggling to retrieve her deposit and other monies from the rental agency. … [Read more...]
A tenant is usually required to pay a rental deposit upfront at the start of a lease agreement. This is usually the equivalent of a month’s rental and should be held by the landlord or managing agent in a separate interest-bearing account for the duration of the lease. If the property is returned in a reasonable state, fair wear and tear excepted, the deposit plus interest will be refunded … [Read more...]
Who gets the interest on rental deposit
The payment and return of rental deposits appears to be a hot topic, as another reader has approached the experts about getting back the interest on a rather sizeable deposit. … [Read more...]
Can the owner hold back my deposit?
I would like to know if the owner of the house that I have been renting for the past five years can hold back my deposit? The agency that has been used is now sequestrated. I would appreciate your help. Kind regards, Confused Tenant Read what the experts have to say. … [Read more...]
How to get your deposit back from an insolvent agent
The experts have been asked by a tenant what he should do about reclaiming his deposit when the rental agent has been declared insolvent. … [Read more...]