This week's Property Poser question comes from a reader who is leasing a commercial property. Her business appears to have hit upon hard times financially and her rental is one month in arrears. She wants to know whether her landlord can lock her out of the property without a court order. According to Susan Chapman from Rawson Properties Port Elizabeth Platinum, the lease entered into … [Read more...]
Search Results for: Spoliation
Leasing questions answered
This week the Property Poser experts tackle a few common leasing questions from various readers. The first question relates to the payment of interest in a case where the lease agreement specifically made provision for no interest to accrue on the deposit held by the landlord. According to Susan Chapman from Rawson Properties Port Elizabeth Platinum, the Rental Housing Act provides that … [Read more...]
Late rental short circuits electricity
The Property Poser panel has received a query from a reader who arranged a late payment of her monthly rental with the agent concerned but then found that her prepaid electricity card had been blocked. Unable to purchase electricity, she has approached the experts for advice. According to Lucille Geldenhuys from Lucille Geldenhuys Attorneys in Stellenbosch, the Rental Housing Act declares it … [Read more...]
Quick reference
Click one of these links for a quick solution to your problem. This page will be updated continuously. Annual General Meeting (AGM) Body corporate Chairman/Chairperson Commission Consumer Protection Act Co-ownership Deeds office Deposit Developer Divorce Drainage Eviction Fixture Fiduciary relationship Habitatio Homeowners Association (HOA) Huur gaat voor … [Read more...]
Tenant faces unreasonable rental demands
This week the Property Poser panel addresses a problem from a reader who is renting a cottage on another person’s property. She explains that she pays her rental in advance and her utilities in arrears and settles them jointly around the 27th, even though her lease stipulates that they are only due at the end of the month. Recently, her landlady obtained an up-to-date municipal account … [Read more...]